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Read and Write CSV File using H2 Tools

Oct 2, 2015

1. Overview

H2 is a Java relational database. This is an open source database with a small footprint and supports JDBC. The database can be used with embedded, server or in-memory modes.

The H2 software can be downloaded and installed from In the install directory:

In addition to the standard database features, H2 has functions to read and write CSV (Comma Separated Value) files. There are two ways to use the CSV read and write functions:

This article shows an example Java program to read and write CSV files using H2 Tools API. This does not use the database engine.

2. Reading a CSV file

A CSV file can be created using a text editor like Windows Notepad or a MS Excel program (save Excel sheet as a CSV file). Here is an example CSV file data:

fname1, lname1, city1, country1
fname2, lname2, city2, country2
fname3, lname3, city3, country3

The data file has four rows. The first row is the header row; and this has the column headings (FIRST, LAST, CITY, COUNTRY). The next three rows are the data.

The example program reads the file and prints the header and data rows to the DOS console. The following steps with code snippets explain this.

2.1. Read the CSV File

ResultSet rs = new Csv().read(inFileName, null, null);

The Csv class is part of H2 tools API and is used to read from and write to CSV files. ResultSet is the java.sql.ResultSet interface.

The read() method reads the file inFileName and creates a ResultSet object with the file contents. The method parameters:

2.2. Get the Column Names

The following code snippet prints the CSV file header column names to the console.

ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();
int noOfCols = meta.getColumnCount();
for (int i = 0; i < noOfCols; i++) {
    System.out.print(meta.getColumnLabel(i + 1));

2.3. Get the Row Data

The following code snippet prints each data row's column's to the console as a line. The three data rows are printed as three lines.

while ( {
    for (int i = 0; i < noOfCols; i++) {			
        System.out.print(rs.getString(i + 1));

Note the Csv class's read() method and ResultSet interface methods throw java.sql.SQLException.

3. Writing to a CSV File

The SimpleResultSet class of H2 Tools API is used to write the CSV file. SimpleResultSet is a simple implementation of java.sql.ResultSet interface.

The data being written to the CSV file has the header row as well as the data rows. The following example shows how to create a file with two header columns (header row) and three data rows.

3.1. Create a SimpleResultSet

SimpleResultSet rs = new SimpleResultSet();

3.2. Add Column Header Row

rs.addColumn("NAME", Types.VARCHAR, 255, 0);
rs.addColumn("COUNTRY", Types.VARCHAR, 255, 0);

The above code snippet adds two column names (NAME and COUNTRY) to the header row.

3.3. Add Data Rows

Object [] rowData1 = new Object [] {"name1", "country1"};
Object [] rowData2 = new Object [] {"name2", "country2"};
Object [] rowData3 = new Object [] {"name3", "country3"};

The above code snippet creates three data rows and adds them to the result set. Note that the each data row is an Object array; and the each column data is the array element.

3.4. Write to CSV File

new Csv().write(fileName, rs, null);

The write() method of the Csv class of H2 Tools API creates the CSV file fileName with the contents of the SimpleResultSet rs. The last parameter of the method specifies the character set; a String or a null in case of default system value.

Note the Csv class's write() method throws java.sql.SQLException.

3.5. Verify CSV File Contents

Open the CSV file using a Windows Notepad or MS Excel program and verify the contents. The file contents will look like this when opened with a Notepad:

GUI image

4. Download

Download source code here:

NOTE: The example uses Java SE 7 and H2 version 1.3.176. The h2-1.3.176.jar file must be in the classpath to compile and run the code.

5. Useful Links and Notes

There are various tools to read and write CSV files: Java SE API and tools from or Apache Commons CSV are some of them.

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